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April 04, 2006

Mourn our Departed

This post is about US soldiers and does not discount our Iraqi brothers and sisters who have died.

As of Yesterday, at least 2,344 members of the U.S. military have died since the beginning of the Iraq war in March 2003, according to an Associated Press count.
We never see the coffins returning and Bush never attends any funeral of any soldier. The existing monstruous marriage between US government and news organizations makes possible this disappearing trick.

Ralph Begleiter, along with others sued (and won) to make Pentagon photos public. Without the public ritual of mourning and release,--- centering on our sense of community, sacrifice, honor, solidarity, purpose ---our country is becoming even more dead.

Begleiter said, "Hiding these images from the public - or, worse, failing even to record these respectful moments - deprives all Americans of the opportunity to recognize their contribution to our democracy, and hinders policymakers and historians in the future from making informed judgments about public opinion and war."

Maybe it would be a good idea for USA residents to take a minute daily and pray for our fallen soldiers.


Posted by Adan at April 4, 2006 08:05 AM


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