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May 18, 2006

Legislation against Internet Freedoms

Under the guise of fighting pedophilia, Congress and Bush's administration are proposing laws that will hurt our privacy and move to consolidate a police eaves-dropping state. Alberto reminded me about this when he sent me this article about current proposed legislation.

But I want to underscore the need to send email comments to congress on the related issue, the push by short-sighted money-hungry businesses to erase Internet Neutrality. The new York Times article:
"Net neutrality" is a concept that is still unfamiliar to most Americans, but it keeps the Internet democratic. ... One of the Internet's great strengths is that a single blogger or a small political group can inexpensively create a Web page that is just as accessible to the world as Microsoft's home page. But this democratic Internet would be in danger if the companies that deliver Internet service changed the rules so that Web sites that pay them money would be easily accessible, while little-guy sites would be harder to access and slower to navigate. Providers could also block access to sites they do not like."

Send comments using the link at moveon.org.

Keep a lookout and send comments against the COPE legislation.

If you know of any churches who are interested in organizing workshops,town meetings around this issue, please let me know.

Posted by Adan at May 18, 2006 02:26 AM


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